Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Academy Experience

Basically, everyone in my group has been affected by the Academy in different ways. Here in the Academy, they have had memories to learn from and have thought deeply about some issues in order to mature and become a better student. By this, I mean that although the students in my group have different interpretations of what one could consider the "Academy experience," it seems to me the Academy is a place in which they can learn and grow independent.

For example, one girl in my group shared how she enjoys being by herself sometimes. I may be wrong, but I think she meant she likes to be alone so that she can just take a step back and think about things once in a while. If this is true, it shows she is growing more independent in her thoughts and simply in general.

Another person in my group expressed his distaste that people--including school students--can buy luxurious things such as icees, ipods, and snacks from the snack bar that aren't necessary in life and yet are purchased anyway. This person's way of thinking suggests a deeper level of maturity in his thoughts.

In either case, the Academy proves to be a center or home to many individuals' growth and learning. The examples above also emphasize the high level of independence that each of the students are beginning to possess.

I guess this exercise has led me to realize there are many different angles from which you can view the "truth" of what the epitome of the Academy is. All of the students in my group went to a different place on the Academy campus, came up with different opinions, and experienced different emotions. This shows that we are all different with unique beliefs and memories. Therefore, when it comes time to contemplate the truth, we each see the truth the way we want to see it. However, this is why we must be open-minded and listen to other people's thoughts and ideas; in order to see the whole (and perhaps real) truth, we must search for it by collecting all the pieces to the whole truth from others. Once we do this, we can better understand the bigger picture by connecting the smaller pieces together into a network of knowledge and truth. In other words, we should always listen to other peoples' take on a matter because only then can we find what is really and honestly true.

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